Nominating Petitions Available

Nominating petitions are now available.  Citizens for Dan Patlak asks all of its supporters to help Dan get on the ballot by circulating his petitions.  Download the pdf here.

The 1st Board of Review District encompasses approximately five-hundred square miles, stretching from Lake Michigan west to the Kane County border and south around Chicago to the border of Will County then east to the Illinois Indiana border. It includes over 1.7 million residents. To view a map of the district visit




Directions for Circulating Dan Patlak’s Petition

1. You need not have voted in a previous Republican Primary and may even have voted in a Democrat Primary or not even have voted in a primary at all.

2. You must personally witness all signatures made on this petition.

3. You may sign your own petition if you are a registered voter within the district.

4. You may pass this petition anywhere in the Board Of Review district.

5. You may not circulate petitions for more than one political party.

6. Petitions with fewer than 15 names do count. If you are not able to fill a petition, send in a partial list. Each name counts.

7. If you learn a signature is not valid, do not worry. Bad signatures do not knock out other good signatures or invalidate a petition. HOWEVER, known bad signatures should be brought to the attention of the campaign, so that they can be officially deleted. A circulator who recklessly and routinely disregards the signature gathering rules may have an entire sheet stricken even though some signatures are valid.

8. You must sign as the circulator of the petition before a Notary Public licensed in Illinois and the Notary Public must affix his/her seal or stamp. Most banks and libraries will notarize free of charge.

9. DO NOT number the petition page.

Directions for Signing Dan Patlak’s Petition

1. You must be a registered voter in the Board Of Review district. You need not have voted in a previous Republican Primary and may even have voted in a Democrat Primary or not even have voted in a primary at all.

2. You must sign your name as you are registered to vote. For example, William E. Jones, not Bill Jones.

3. DO NOT use ditto marks for any part of an address or county.

4. You must use the address where you are registered to vote. Post Office boxes are not acceptable.

5. You MAY NOT sign petitions for candidates of more than one political party in the same election.

6. You cannot sign another member of your family’s name on a petition.