From The Leadership Institute - Chicago’s Cook County Commissioner: Part One - About the Man

Commissioner Dan Patlak was recently featured as The Leadership Institute's Graduate of the Week.

Dan Patlak is a politico.

He's held campaign posts from volunteer campaign manager for a state representative race to press secretary on a U.S. Senate campaign. He's even run for office himself.

In 2010, Dan was elected as a Commissioner at the Cook County Board of Review in Illinois. He represents one-third of his county's population.

Illinois' Cook County includes 946 square miles and represents 5.3 million people, making it the "second most populous county in the nation and the 19th largest government in the United States," according to the Cook County, Illinois webpage. This county includes the City of Chicago and the suburban municipalities surrounding it.

Read the rest of the story of Dan's rise in politics on The Leadership Institute's website.